There Were Things I Did Not Know – Lois E. Linkens


There were things I did not know (could not know).
There were words I was yet to write, a still
Small voice, yet to claim. ‘Tis life’s greatest thrill,
To light an unknown match, and watch it glow.
I would do great things. I would swing my feet
O’er fences, walls, tall gates to walk amid
The places I had never seen, and bid
Farewell to my young self, to future meet.
Places that could hold me fast, scoop me out
And fill me with their beads, their jasmine ways.
Here comes tomorrow in its dusky haze.
I have seen the future; she’s ours to sprout.
Where so much is known today, I decree
To stay a great surprise, most so to me.

21 thoughts on “There Were Things I Did Not Know – Lois E. Linkens

  1. What a wonderful, hopeful image of self! I shall look inside to find my own “jasmine ways.” Thank you for this bright-eyed moment. -MRB

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